
"Categorizing Inputs for a Integrated Burrito System"

Jan 29, 2024 - 2:50pmSummary: The speaker is considering how to categorize inputs for a burrito-like system, focusing on what constitutes a minimum ingredient for a filling, using metadata like voice notes, images, and GPS tags. They ponder the need to explicitly connect related inputs, such as a photo and a voice note about the same subject, or whether temporal and spatial proximity should implicitly link them. The speaker also reflects on the holistic context influencing inputs, including mood and environment, questioning how far explicit bundling should go. Ultimately, they imply that inputs with similar timing and location could be considered related without the need for explicit connection, likening this to lab notes.

Transcript: Thinking a little bit about input types for burrito and kind of pondering what a minimum sort of ingredient for the filling is. So as we've been testing, voice note is one of these, image is another. Image comes with the GPS tag which is sort of a combination of ingredients. All of these come with time stamps as metadata. So it's kind of crucial for making any sense of anything. But that does make me think now, what happens when you combine more of these ingredients at entry time. So in some sense this is a video I suppose, but like I often want to give my photo a specific caption of some sort. And I also want to see the AI-generated caption. So I'm curious if there's a any way of combining the two in a useful way. My voice note is about what I'm seeing, and these two things are connected to a GPS. So I guess there's questions here of implicit or explicit. Do I need to tell the app that these things are connected, or is it just enough to send the minutes back-to-back and have the query layer figure out that these are actually talking about the same moment in time. And it really does start to like raise a question of when I'm looking at something. It's one of the inputs to my thoughts about what I'm saying, but it's not the only one. I mean my mood and my tasks earlier that day and who I'm around, all of these matter too. So if we're going down the logic of I need to explicitly bundle these separate media artifacts together, then how far do you go? A little point, you know, would make more sense to just scan my brain and everything around it. So which seems easier and more in line with the underlying structure of the data. It's just to say if these things went in at similar times and similar pinpoints to GPS locations, then they don't need to be explicitly related. So that's my thinking there. I guess these are some sort of lab notes.

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