
"Maximizing Thought Organization through Screen Recording and Visual Mapping"

Jan 6, 2024 - 11:07amSummary: The text discusses the concept of using screen recording to capture and organize thoughts, particularly when mapping them out with supportive graphics or diagrams, enhancing the process with features like rich audio and linking possibilities. The author suggests that a system similar to's capture format could be utilized, allowing for full-text search and leveraging metadata from shared Figma files to extract links and possibly map these as concept maps. This method aims to enhance the searchability, filtering, and querying of content, integrating into a platform the author refers to as "burrito dot place." The author contemplates the addition of robust social context to screen recordings, considering them as potential raw input for content understanding, akin to the role of audio, and builds upon themes previously explored in R-Log.

Transcript: on the possibility of screen recording and burrito dot place. I think this can be tagged as another design fiction. So I think there's something really interesting about the prospect of recording a screen. In this case, I think Figma makes the most sense inside of it. But I think TLDraw, XcalitDraw, all good. Anything that can be dumped to JSON ultimately with some sort of positional coordinates. But I think the idea that I'm going for here is I have a thought that I want to express into this thing, and it's a thought that I want to map out a little bit. Maybe I already have graphics or diagrams to describe part of this. I still want rich audio and all the linking possibilities, the similarity finding. So I think what I'm kind of getting at here is a way to to ingest a format a bit like's native capture format. Something where I get full text search on the thing that my screen is set to, visible. But more importantly, I think, more interestingly, if that Figma file that I shared from within the screen share is linked as well as metadata, then all of the links inside of that file can be extracted. There might be some possible parallel pipelines that could also generate, parse the Figma itself and try to map it as a concept map of some sort. And then this all just generates metadata that then helps searching, filtering, querying, matching on the burrito place main sort of ingestion screen. So yeah, I think more or less imagining a way of uploading recordings, doesn't have to be loom, loom makes a handy thing, that sort of deeply understand or attempt to get to a place of deeply understanding the content that I'm talking about. And again, richly capturing a bunch of social context around it. I think these are both themes that we explored around gathering screen recording in R-Log. So I think there's just like another avenue at that. But this one starts with a more primitive data format, which is just audio as a core input. So I guess I'd wonder if screen recording is another core raw input. Yeah, that's my thought so far.

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